so today me and log(my roomate) were just hanging out at our house, enjoying a nice scorching hot day with our air conditioner that is so old school blows freezing air only 3 ft far in one direction of our house, pathetic i know. I had to run to the post office which is like 2.5 seconds from our house and when i get back the sound of sirens are blaring in our house is surrounded in a sea of red. Firetrucks as far as the eye can see. Naturally with my over dramatic mind i assumed the worst and thought the oven that was cooking my taquitos blew up and lit log on fire. So i rush inside to find log reading some book for school regarding the gate of hell or something and ask her whats going on and she just has no idea of what has surrounded our house. We quickly rush outside to see the comotionand low and behold the house next to ours is on fire! so as they firemen (which were tragically ALL un-attractive) told us we may need to evacuate and to gather our valuables log ran and grabbed her true religion jeans and i grabbed my camera. HA! typical. So as by standers were watching at a distance and in between trying to wave to my parents on the news chopper that was flying overhead, i'm testing my limits to see just HOW CLOSE to the action i can get. Then the chief comes over and waves me to follow and takes me right up to the heat of the action (no pun intended) (ok well maybe....) so here are just a FEW of the hundreds of shots i got. These guys were awesome and it was amazing to watch them work, the team work and strength was so neat to watch. PS: i hate that i just used neat as an adjective.
this was the house looking from our backyard

thought this was a cool shot. they would hold on to eachother for support while using the chainsaw

it's not snowing, its the fire stopper stuff....

signaling the fire spreading (you can see it coming up through the hole)

i should sell this to gatorade, firefighter takes a refresh

trying to catch his breath. this guy was a champ....

thanks to all the brave men that put their lives on the line daily to protect us :)